Item Selection Settings

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Item Selection Settings



Import items : In this section, you can choose the status of all the items that must be inserted into the playlist.

Does Federall Service have to deal with :

-All types of items?

-RTB items?

-RTB and broadcastable items?

Prefer alternate item prefix : An alternative item import can be set. These items must be stored in the database with the same identifier as in the file but preceded by a prefix.

Example ::

File Ref = 1234

Prefix = ALT

The import will look for priority if there is an identifier ALT1234 in ABC8. Otherwise he will look for the identifier 1234.

Prefered choice : here you choose which item must be used for import :


oPROD item (virtual file)

oMASTER item (physical file)

Import on playlist : Choice if the import is done in all playlists, or only RTB or not RTB.

