Exporting to the Hard disk or the Network

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Exporting to the Hard disk or the Network

The "Hard Disk" export is an Asynchronous export.

It means that you can start an export and still access all the functionality of Radio Assist while exporting.


Select the "Hard-Disk" destination by clicking on it.




At the right side of the screen, click on the "directory" icon repertoire.


The windows explorer is displayed. Select the directory where you want to export.




Then, choose your export format in the drop-down list.




Drag and drop from the Browser to the export list the items you want to export or double-click on the item of the Browser. Items are displayed in the export list.




Once items are ready, click on Bouton_Export_83.


Export starts. When done, all items exported will have their progression bar at "100" and green.

