Create a music scheduling

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Create a music scheduling

Once everything is set, empty playlist will be generated manually or automatically.


Select the playlist you want to use for the automated music scheduling process in the "Log Sheet" Radio Assist tab and drop it into the "Federall" tab.


The playlist is loaded :




To start the music scheduling process, click on Bouton_Sched_Off to open the tools used for it.


The screen displays new windows.




The button changes into : Bouton_Sched_On To have theses windows disappear, click again on this button.


Then click on Bouton_Load_Data to load the data (sounds) used for the scheduling.




Now when you click on each target run (category), you will see, on the right, in the "Stack", all the sounds from the category.



You can launch the automated music scheduling by clicking on Bouton_Launch_Sched




By clicking on Bouton_OK, it wall start the process.


As a result you will have your log sheet filled with sounds selected automatically.




Your scheduling is done for this playlist.