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Tab name : Name for the dynamic tab, this name will be validated in the selected language
In : Selection of the language used for the name of the dynamic tab
Tab Order : Allows you to specify the tab position (0 by default)
Tab icon : Icon associated to the dynamic tab (*.ICO or *.BMP)
Import bitmap : Allows you to choose the icon associated to the dynamic tab. Opens a dialog box called " Open File "
Item type : Selection of the type of elements which will be managed by the tab (associated type of content)
Sound, Text, Image, Video : Type of physical items that could be broadcasted.
Cart, Jingle Pack : Type of elements used to group items for broadcasting.
SMS, Event, Contact : Type of specifc elements.
Asset, Basket, To Do, Project : Type of elements used in Media Assist.
Metadata : Type of elements used in order to create metadata items to add more metadata to a screen in Radio Assist.
Subtype : Selection of a set of existing subtype elements
Opening request by default : Request to execute each time you open a dynamic tab of the SELECT type.
Completion of this field is not compulsory.
If necessary, one can specify a SQL clause in this field: this latter will appear in the WHERE clause of a request of the SELECT type.
Example: STRING_3 LIKE ‘Sport’
This clause will therefore be automatically used by the Radio-Assist browser when the dynamic tab is selected. In this example, the browser will perform a request such as the following one " SELECT … FROM T_ITEM WHERE … AND STRING_3 LIKE ‘Sport’ " to display the elements belonging to a tab.
Writing request by default : Request to execute when inserting or modifying an element in a dynamic tab (INSERT or UPDATE type)
Completion of this field is not compulsory.
If necessary, one can also specify a SQL clause in this field: this latter will appear in the SET clause of an UPDATE type of request.
Example: STRING_3 = ‘Sport’
When inserting (index card) an element in the tab, the clause will be automatically used. In this example, the browser will perform an " UPDATE T_ITEM SET …, STRING_3 = ‘Sport’ WHERE ID_ITEM = … " type of request.
Virtual tab : If this option is ticked ; Virtual tab in read-only mode, not ticked ; dynamic tab - addition and modification authorized (the tab will therefore appear in the index card)
Is a Child : If this option is ticked ; it's a sub-type of a dynamic or virtual tab which already exists.
Select groups that can see this tab: Selection of groups of users who will be able to see one given tab in the Radio-Assist Browser.
This button is used to select or deselect all groups at the same time.
It changes value by clicking on it..