Section "Database"

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Section "Database"



Sync database with RadioAssist : allows you to synchronize the database change with RadioAssist.

Number of Carts : This is the number of carts in a cartstack in normal mode, from 4 to 50, maximum. The value to be defined will depend on the use of cartstack (News, Adds, Music ...). The higher this value is, the longer it will take to select an item, but you can speed up the process by using the previous/next page/start/end arrow keys and the mouse wheel.

Please note that if you load from the Database Browser a cartstack containing more items than the number defined here, additional carts will not be loaded.

You must also set this value according to the cartstack mode you have chosen.

(Normal or Hotkey): In Hotkey mode, it's best to choose a number of cards so that you can see all the items without scrolling. You can also optimize the display of hotkey elements by dividing them or dividing them into multiple columns.

For example, you can specify, in the Layout tab, 8 for Visible Hotkey and 2 for Hotkey Columns, then 16 for Number of Carts in this tab.

On-Air default mode : switches between Antenna/Preview mode (OnAir / PFL) via the contextual menu (if the "Change in right-click menu" check box is selected).

Record Position : En mode Hotkey, lorsq'un enregistrement est démmaré, une cartouche contenant l'enregistrement en cours est placée à la position spécifiée.

Log broadcasted items to AirLog : allows to send to AirLog the elements that are broadcasted on the air (and not in pre-listening / PFL).

Log to text file : permet d'écrire dans une fichier texte les élements qui sont diffusés à l'antenne.

By checking the box a window opens to load the file that will be modified.

OnAir playlist Connection To : special parameter for connecting to the Playlist software.