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A purge mechanism applied to the local copy directory is integrated into AirDDO.


Purge is triggered as soon as the maximum size limit specified for this local copy directory has been reached.


Purge will look for candidate files (fulfilling deletion criteria) for as long as necessary, until the size of the directory's occupied space does not exceed the authorized limit size anymore.


Among the various files that are in the local copy directory, Purge looks for the file whose Date\hour of last access is older. Then, Purge deletes it.


Since the date\hour of last access of a file is updated in correlation with the date\current hour as soon as AirDDO accesses to the file (pre-loading, play, copy...), this mechanism allows you to check that the file to delete has not just been copied, is not being played or pre-loaded, is not frequently used (e.g. jingles)...