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When a copy has been done successfully, a notification is sent by the local copy manager to the AirDDO players.  Therefore, AirDDO checks for all the elements already opened from the server if a local copy is available. If it is the case, and if the element is not being played, it will be reloaded from the local copy.


If the date\hour of modification of a file on the server is not 3 minutes old, this file is considered as being "recorded" and therefore will not be locally copied.


It is possible to define a priority level for the local copy between the play-list and all the other players, so as to favor the local copy of items loaded in the play-list over those items that are loaded in the other players, and vice versa.


When a copy is made, a temporary file with a .TRANS extension appears. This one will not be renamed with the source file's name until the copy is successfully finished (in a wayt o avoid partial copies).


The copy manager looks for the source file on the two file servers. In the play-list, as soon as an element appears in the list of the next five items to be played, the program checks if a local copy has been done and a request for a copy is sent if it is the case.