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Navigation:  Technical Documentation > AirDDO - Local Copy > Algorithm Local Copy >


Element to copy is present on the server  ?


- NO -> Failure, the request for a copy is sent back to the list of files to copy and will be dealt with later on.

- YES -> Is the element on the server still in record mode ?


 - YES -> no copy, the element will be played from the server

 - NO -> Is the destination folder full ?


     - YES -> Failure, the request for a copy is sent back to the list of files to copy and will be dealt with later on.

     - NO -> Is the file already present locally ?


       - YES -> Is the file on the server more recent than the local copy ?

       - NO -> Update local file attributes : Date\hour last access and Date\hour modification of

                      updated local file with Date\current hour

   - YES -> the local file is deleted and a copy is requested again

   - NO-> copy starts. At the end, the obtained file will show the following attributes :

         - Date\hour of creation of local file = Date\hour of creation of the source file (server)

         - Date\hour of last access to the local file = Date\current hour

         - Date\hour modification local file = Date\current hour