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The automatic purge operation is a two-step process :
First, the program identifies the documents that are "candidates to the purge". These documents must correspond, like it is the case with the manual purge, to a set of criteria linked to the good functioning of the radio.
Note : the following documents can't be purged
•the documents that are being recorded
•the "locked" documents
•the documents belonging to a broadcast list (playlist, cartstack...)
From this list of documents that are “candidates to the purge”, the purge only deletes those documents which correspond to the specific parameters defined by the radio.
There are three methods to purge :
Purge by number of days :
The number of days correspond to the difference between the current date and the recording date of a document. The configuration module, which is included in the software, allows you to define the maximum number of days by type of document (Temporary, News, Music, Jingle....). When the maximum number of days has been reached, the software deletes the oldest documents until the number of days associated to the oldest document is inferior to the maximum number of days desired. In this module, the raw, master or virtual types of documents can be deleted.
Purge by number of documents :
The configuration module, which is included in the software, allows you to define a maximum number of documents for each type of documents (Temporary, News, Music, Jingle....). When the maximum number of documents has been reached, the program deletes the oldest documents until the number contained in the database is inferior to the maximum number of documents that has been defined. Thanks to this module, the raw, master or virtual types of documents can be deleted.
Purge by space disk :
The configuration module, which is included in the software, allows you to define the free space available for each type of documents (Temporary, News, Music, Jingle....). When the size occupied by a type of document exceeds the allocated amount of space on the drive, the program deletes documents until the space disk occupied by those very documents returns to a state where it is inferior to the value previously defined in the software. In this module, only the original or master documents can be deleted.
Watch out :
If, for a type of documents (Temporary, News, Music, Jingle, Adverts), no method of automatic purge has been activated, the user of the program has to manually delete the documents via the Browser.
If, for a type of documents, the deletion method for each space drive hasn't been activated, the disks can be full and the system can prevent users from saving new documents.
The deletion methods are always applied in the following order :
1.by space disk,
2.by number of days,
3.by number of documents.
When a document is purged, it does not appear in the Browsers of the different workstations in the network anymore. In practice, the sound is immediately deleted from the database. As regards the indexing of this document, it really is deleted from the database "n" days away from the purge date ("n" being modifiable).
Watch out: the date and hour of the purge station must be maintained properly. An improper entry on any of those values can have dramatic consequences.
The Temporary tab represents the elements that have not been classified in the database. These are, first and foremost, elements that have been automatically saved, which remain in the database despite of everything and that need to be purged. These elements are marked with the "?" symbol in the database.