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Drag and Drop from the Browser (Original, master, production and mono mix) on a track :
Adds the item in replacement mode on the track at the location the playhead is.
Drag and Drop + SHIFT from the Browser (Original, master, production and mono mix) on a track :
Adds the item with inversion of the insertion or replacement mode on the track at the location the playhead is.
F1 : Set locator.
F2 : Go to next locator.
F3 : Set the blue line.
F4 : Set the yellow line.
F5 or Del : Cut the selection (cut is binned in Selection mode) / F5 Splits the clip (in Clip mode).
Shift + F5 : Cut the selection (cut isn't binned).
Shift + Del : Idem (cut isn't binned).
F6 : Play outside the selection area (2 seconds before the blue and 2 seconds after the yellow).
F7 : Play inside the selection area (2 seconds after the blue and 2 seconds before the yellow).
F8 : Slow rewind.
F9 : Slow forward.
F10 : Fast rewind.
F11 : Fast forward.
Space bar : Play/Stop.
Ctrl + A : Selects all clips from selected tracks.
Ctrl + N : New project.
Ctrl + Z : Undo.
Ctrl + Y : Redo.
Ctrl + Inser : Copy
Shift + Inser : Paste.
Ctrl + C : Copy.
Ctrl + X : Cut (cut is binned).
Ctrl + Shift + X : Copy all selected clips or what is inside the selection area without generating a copy inside the bin.
Ctrl + V : Paste.
Ctrl + O : Retrieve in the Browser the audio file used in the track.
Ctrl + S : Save.
Ctrl + M : Generate a master.
Ctrl + I : Import a sound.
Ctrl + G : Group all selected clips.
M : Switch from Selection to Clip mode.
Page up : Go to the blue line.
Page down : Go to the yellow line.
With the mouse wheel :
Mouse wheel : Horizontal zoom in/zoom out.
Shift + Mouse wheel : Vertical zoom in/zoom out.
Ctrl + Mouse wheel : Scroll right/left one page.
Ctrl + : Automatic positioning of the playhead at the beginning of the previous sequence of the selected track.
Ctrl + :Automatic positioning of the playhead at the beginning of the following sequence of the selected track.
Ctrl + : Moves to the top the selected track(s).
Ctrl + : Moves to the bottom the selected track(s).
Ctrl + Clip selection: Clip selection (one by one).
Ctrl + (beginning) : In Clip mode : Selection of all the clips of selected tracks from the reading head to the beginning of the track.
Ctrl + (end) : In Clip mode : Selection of all the clips of selected tracks from the reading to the end of the track.
Shift + : Horizontal zoom-in.
Shift + : Horizontal zoom-out.
Shift + : From a selected clip, selection of the next clip(s).
Shift + : From a selected clip, selection of the previous clip(s).
Ctrl + Shift + A or Alt + A : Select all clips from all tracks.
Shift + Mouse Click on a clip (multi-selection).
Double-click on the track header: Enlarges/shrinks the selected track.
: Place the playhead at the beginning of the mix.
Fn : Place the playhead at the end of the mix.
: Selection of the upper track.
: Selection of the lower track.
: Move the playhead forward or accelerate the speed of playing.
: Move the playhead backward or slow down the speed of playing.
+ : Wider display of the selected track. By clicking a second time, the track returns to its original size.
Alt + creation of an area with the mouse (in selection and clip mode) : Creation of a multitrack selection area.
Alt + click : Move the playhead without selecting or unselecting the track (Clip Mode).
Page up : In Selection mode, go to blue marker.
Page down : In Selection mode, go to yellow marker.