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Navigation:  Activity Watcher > Presentation >


The Activity Watcher menu bar allows you to:


- Refresh the list of traced events (120 possible traceable actions*) Refresh

- Clear the list of traced events and reinitialized the filters Bouton_Gomme_83

 (the list is not deleted from the database. Only the Purge can do it

  depending on your admin settings.)

- Save this list as a .csv file (usable with a spreadsheet program) Save+

- Select the list of actions to trace in Activity Watcher Modify


The system administrator decides whether all users have access to this button or not.


Tick or untick the criterium you want to trace in the Activity Watcher configuration window: you can select or unselect all criteria by using the 2 dedicated buttons.


The selected items will not only be displayed in the Activity Watcher report, they will also be written in the database. (if events are not selected, they will not be written in the database).


Note that if you change the settings on a machine, you will have to restart the workstation for changes to be applied.




(* to know the complete list of events, see chapter 3)