"Full Channel Recording" function

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"Full Channel Recording" function

The "Full channel Recording" function fullchannelrecord  is used to create one program for the whole day , but divided in slots.


Example : the following example shows a schedule called "Full program" which has been created for the whole day, but divided in 2 hour slots.


  full program US


To create a "full channel recording" :


Click on "Full Channel Recording" fullchannelrecord.


A window is displayed. Enter the following data :


  full channel recUS


Channel : Select the channel on which you want to record.

Program : Enter the program name.

Language : Enter the code for the program's language.

Duration : Enter the slot duration. Here, the duration is 2 hours. So for one day you will have 12 items of 2 hours.

Valid until : Enter the date until when your "full channel recording" is valid.


Click on bouton_ok to validate.