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Navigation:  META OCX > Snippet+ >


To record in "Snippet+":


Select on which track you want to record, then place the playhead where you want to start the recording.



If "Snippet+" is in Insertion mode, the block(s) on the same track after the recording will be moved to the right during the recording.

If "Snippet+" is in Replacement mode, the block(s) on the same track after the recording will be erased while the recoring is going on.


Click on record. The recording starts.


Click on pause to pause momentarily the recording.


You can resume the recording where the playhead is by clicking again on pause


Once the recording is finished, click on stop.  


A window is displayed to save you recording in the Browser.


Fill in the data and save by clicking on the floppy disk icon diskette (or press "Cancel" to start over).


NB :  Your recording has the raw status brutbmp.