How to edit ?

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How to edit ?

- After opening the Snippet application, select in the sound directory the item you want to edit :




For a new editing, you can select sound elements of any format.


Before selecting your sound, you can listen to it.

Select it and click on the "Play" button.




- Place your blue and yellow markers. You will then have the possibility to keep only what you have selected or, on the contrary, to discard this sequence.


- Once your blue and yellow marks are roughly positioned, you can readjust their position. To do this, stand on the blue or yellow, and reposition them.

- You can also do the same with the following buttons:

small blue small yellow


- Then listen to the beginning and end of your cutting points to make sure you have positioned your cut correctly. To do this, use the simulation buttons :

before blue        Listen 2 seconds before the blue

after yellow        Listen 2 seconds after the yellow

Simuler+        Listen 2 seconds before blue and 2 seconds after yellow.

PlayInside        Listening between blue and yellow


NB: by right-clicking on these buttons, the chosen part will be played in a loop.


- Once you are sure of your cut, click on :

couper to remove what's between blue and yellow.

cutout to keep only that which lies between blue and yellow.


- What you have cut off is then displayed on the lower part of the screen in the bin.




- To make new cuts, repeat the operation (place the blue, the yellow...).