Cueing points with carstack items

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Cueing points with carstack items

If you want to change the start of sounds in a cart, press F11 on the keyboard.


You can have up to 3 tracks.


Drag the sound you want to change from the cart to the spectrum display zone.

To play the sound, press  " â " on the keyboard. The sound will go on playing as long as the key is held down.

Then press on " á " , to set a temporary cue point. You can also set this point by clicking directly on the spectrum.

You can play back the sound from the temporary cue point by pressing the " â " key.

To readjust the point, use the " ß " and " à " keys. These move the cue point 0.02 seconds at a time.

When the cue point is in the right place, validate by pressing "Enter" on the keyboard. The part of the sound before the cue point will be deleted.

You can use the fade points, represented by blue squares, to adjust sound levels. Set the mouse cursor on a square, click and drag it to the required position.

To change the lead-ins from one sound to another, drag each sound to the left or the right and drop it in a different position.

To return to normal display, press F11 on the keyboard.