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Navigation:  Technical Documentation > AirPlaylist > Interface presentation > Options > Configuration > General tab > Button ADD RADIO >




Channel : Broadcasting channel used in RadioAssist to create and managed playlists.

Start Mode : Playlist starting mode.

None : The radio is stopped. Starting it needs a manual action (click on the "Play" button on the monitoring screen)

TimeSync : The playlist start will be done automatically and will be tuned on the real time. A sound could start in the middle.

NextItem : The playlist start will be done automatically and will start at the beginning of the item wich scheduled broadcasting time is greater than the real time.

Ex : It's 11h32. An item A is scheduled at 11h30 and another one B at 11h34. The broadcast will start at 11h32 playing the item B from the beginning.

Preloaded Items : This setting sets the minimum number of items given to the driver (aka audio resource) in order to have this minimum number of items after the one broadcasted.
Preloading Time : This parameter defines the minimum time (in minutes) consisting in the sum of the lengths of the elements subsequent to the broadcast , which must be maintained

These 2 previous pre-loading parameters are used to define the broadcast "reserve" (or autonomy). We will combine these 2 parameters in order to promote the larger autonomy (in case of temporary connection loss between AirPlaylist and audio resources when they are not on the same workstation)

UTC Offset : (min) : Time zones management. Enter in minutes the offset from UTC time.