"Common" box

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"Common" box



Enable Fixed Window : Open Radio Assist in full screen.

Enable Automatic Logoff : Log off Radio Assist after a duration of inactivity of "n" seconds.

Enable Automatic Save : Automatically save your work after "n" seconds.

Record Path : Path where all sounds will be saved using UNC (Universal Naming Convention).

Record is composed in \\UNC\Rep root\\.

These 2 parts are used for the mirroring system for databases servers.



SERVERNAME : Server name where sounds are stored.

DATA : name of the shared disk –  Sharing of the disk is mandatory in order for the workstations to access it.

AUDIO : folder for the sounds


Record Path is defined by the 2 following ways :

- by the users configuration (UsersCfg) in the database

- in the registry (if nothing is set in T_GROUP_USER)


Wherever the record path is defined, the following rules apply :

record Path can include variables :

$USER : User name connected.

$GROUP : User group name connected.

$LANGUAGE : User language name connected.

$MACHINE : Workstation name.

$YEAR : Current year.

$MONTH : Current month.

$DAY : Current day.


For example if we configure the following record path :


If user GONZALES from TECHNOS group with SPANISH language configured creates a recording or a master, the item would be writtten in the following folder :