Direct access security

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Direct access security

Direct access security allows you to play sounds placed in specific folders (1 to 3)


When loading a sound, AirDDO will first check the specified folder(s)

If AirDDO finds the sound to play, it loads it from this folder.

If it doesn't, it loads it from the server (path T_ITEM, with security T_SECUR)





Fill the fields by indicating server paths for sounds.


Ex : \\NT2\BDM\      ou        D:\DATA\


Or browsing the network by clicking the"Select" button


This option is used to play the sounds from the AirDDO workstation local hard drive.

It's usually linked to the following option :


Use file transfer : With this option, AirDDO will copy in folders 1 to 3, in the background, all files to be played, if not already in these folders.


Remark : To not activate one of these path, leave the field blanck.