<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Technical Documentation > AirDDO V9 - Setup > EXTENDED DISPLAY Tab > Extended Display |
This tab allows you to configure information displayed in AirDDO for every type of player : playlist, cartstack, stack and instant player.
Two lines of information are available for every player. The informations displayed come from T_ITEM table.
Example :
For a stack player and for News items, we decided to display for line 1 of the Correspondent" and for line 2 "Title".
•It is possible to copy this setting to all categories of a type a player by using this button.
•Drag and drop this button to the other player.
Click on yes
It is possible to copy the setting of only one category by dragging and dropping the category in another player
Instead of displaying the the generic name of the column, allows you to display the real name of the column in the database.