Connection to Main Database(s)

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Connection to Main Database(s)

Click on the butoon Bouton Configuration 82 on the left.


The following list appears.




The following display will be different depending on the connection type used :


1- When using an ODBC connection to the database or a "Cluster" connection, select in the DSN menu the primary database. Then we put the user name and password.


DB_Single_ODBC DB_Cluster


2- When using a "Double ODBC" connection to the database or a "Replication", select in the DSN menu the primary database and the second database.

For both of them then put the user name and password.


DB_Double_ODBC DB_Replication



Click on Bouton_OK to save and exit.


Click on Bouton_Cancel to exit without saving.


Note: When changing the database already established, it is possible to validate the new parameters without having to leave the setup.

To do so, press the button : Bouton Checking 82 US


Then enter the channel and connection identifier values:




Broadcast channel : Select from the list for which main broadcast channel this AirDDO will be used.

User Group : Select the main user group.

User : Select the main user.


Attention: to be able to exploit this feature, it is necessary beforehand to configure an account for a group of users "Diffusion" having rights coherent for a Broadcasting tool type.

See the documentation "Administrator", a software for creating groups and users for Radio-Assist 8 tools, and administering everyone's rights.


Enable connection attempt : This checkbox allows to automatically restart a connection attempt in case of lost connection.


Inserting messages :

The messages of the AirDDO application are contained in the T_SOFT_LANG table. The ID_SOFTWARE for AirDDO is 1003.


If this is a new installation, the messages of AirDDO are by default contained in the global script messages of the Radio-Assist range. It will not normally be necessary to follow this procedure.


During an update of the application, it is possible to have to update certain messages.


Note: When changing the database already established, it is possible to validate the new parameters without having to leave the setup


To do so, press the button : Bouton Checking 82 US


The button Insert Mess 82from the setup allows the update of AirDDO messages in the database.


Messages are included in the Script_TsoftLang.txt file located in the AirDDO directory.


When this button is pressed, the following window opens :


Window Ins Mess 82


2 choices available.


Yes : Old AirDDO messages contained in the database are updated

No : Cancel the message update procedure.