Connection to local Database(s)

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Connection to local Database(s)

This configuration allows setting the connection to the local AirDDO database.

This type of connection is a local connection.

That is to say that in case of loss of connection that continues, it is possible to have a local emergency connection.


Click on the butoon Bouton Configuration 82 on the right.


The following list appears.




The following display will be different depending on the connection type used :


1- When using an ODBC connection to the database or a "Cluster" connection, select in the DSN menu the primary database. Then we put the user name and password.


DB_Single_ODBC DB_Cluster


2- When using a "Double ODBC" connection to the database or a "Replication", select in the DSN menu the primary database and the second database.

For both of them then put the user name and password.


DB_Double_ODBC DB_Replication



Click on Bouton_OK to save and exit.


Click on Bouton_Cancel to exit without saving.


Note: When changing the database already established, it is possible to validate the new parameters without having to leave the setup.

To do so, press the button : Bouton Checking 82 US


Then enter the channel and connection identifier values:


Connex Local DB 82 US


Broadcast channel number : Corresponds to the channel to which AirDDO will refer for the display of the elements to be broadcasted.


This information is linked to the database.

It is contained in the T_RCHANNEL table.


Warning: this parameter will influence the display in the browser of stacks and playlists.

Only elements created for the "Radio 2" broadcast channel will be visible to the broadcaster(s) referring to the "Radio 2" channel.


User Group : Select the main user group.

User : Select the main user.


Warning : To be able to exploit this feature, it is necessary beforehand to configure an account for a group of users "Diffusion" having rights coherent for a Broadcasting tool type.

Refer to the documentation "Administrator", a software for creating groups and users for Radio-Assist 8 tools, and managing everyone's rights.


Enable reconnection attempt : This checkbox allows to automatically restart a connection attempt in case of lost connection.


Inserting messages :

The messages of the AirDDO application are contained in the T_SOFT_LANG table. The ID_SOFTWARE for AirDDO is 1003.


If this is a new installation, the messages of AirDDO are by default contained in the global script messages of the Radio-Assist range. It will not normally be necessary to follow this procedure.


During an update of the application, it is possible to have to update certain messages.


Note: When changing the database already established, it is possible to validate the new parameters without having to leave the setup


To do so, press the button : Bouton Checking 82 US


The button Insert Mess 82from the setup allows the update of AirDDO messages in the database.


Messages are included in the Script_TsoftLang.txt file located in the AirDDO directory.


When this button is pressed, the following window opens :


Window Ins Mess 82


2 choices available.


Yes : Old AirDDO messages contained in the database are updated

No : Cancel the message update procedure.