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Drag and Drop from the Browser (Original, master, production and mono mix) on a track :

Adds the item in replacement mode on the track at the location the playhead is.


Drag and Drop + SHIFT from the Browser (Original, master, production and mono mix) on a track :

Adds the item with inversion of the insertion or replacement mode on the track at the location the playhead is.



"Fx" shortcuts are standard shortcuts defined by NETIA.

It is possible to modify them. Speak to your administrators.


F1 : Set locator.

F2 : Go to next locator.

F3 : Set the blue line.

F4 : Set the yellow line.

F5 or Del : Cut the selection (cut is binned in Selection mode) / F5 Splits the clip (in Clip mode).

Shift + F5 : Cut the selection (cut isn't binned).

Shift + Del : Idem (cut isn't binned).

F6 : Play outside the selection area (2 seconds before the blue and 2 seconds after the yellow).

F7 : Play inside the selection area (2 seconds after the blue and 2 seconds before the yellow).

F8 : Slow rewind.

F9 : Slow forward.

F10 : Fast rewind.

F11 : Fast forward.


Space bar        : Play/Stop.


Ctrl + A : Selects all clips from selected tracks.

Ctrl + N : New project.

Ctrl + Z : Undo.

Ctrl + Y : Redo.

Ctrl + Inser : Copy

Shift + Inser : Paste.

Ctrl + C : Copy.

Ctrl + X : Cut (cut is binned).

Ctrl + Shift + X : Copy all selected clips or what is inside the selection area without generating a copy inside the bin.

Ctrl + V : Paste.

Ctrl + O : Retrieve the audio file used in the track from the Browser.

Ctrl + S : Save.

Ctrl + M : Generate a master.

Ctrl + I : Import a sound.

Ctrl + G : Group all selected clips.

M : Switch from Selection to Clip mode.


With the mouse wheel :

Mouse wheel :  Horizontal zoom in/zoom out.

Shift + Mouse wheel : Vertical zoom in/zoom out.

Ctrl + Mouse wheel : Scroll right/left one page.


In clip mode :

Ctrl + FlècheG : Automatic positioning of the playhead at the beginning of the previous sequence of the selected track.

Ctrl + flecheD :Automatic positioning of the playhead at the beginning of the following sequence of the selected track.

Ctrl + FlecheH : Moves to the top the selected track(s).

Ctrl + FlecheB : Moves to the bottom the selected track(s).


Ctrl + Clip selection : Clip selection (one by one).


Ctrl + DEBUT (beginning) : In Clip mode : Selection of all the clips of selected tracks from the reading head to the beginning of the track.

Ctrl + (end) : In Clip mode : Selection of all the clips of selected tracks from the reading to the end of the track.

Shift + FlecheH : Horizontal zoom-in.

Shift + FlecheB : Horizontal zoom-out.

Shift +flecheD : From a selected clip, selection of the next clip(s).

Shift + FlècheG : From a selected clip, selection of the previous clip(s).


Ctrl + Shift + A or Alt + A : Select all clips from all tracks.

Shift + Mouse Click on a clip (multi-selection).

Double-click on the track header: Enlarges/shrinks the selected track.


DEBUT : Place the playhead at the beginning of the mix.

Fn   : Place the playhead at the end of the mix.


FlecheH : Selection of the upper track.

FlecheB : Selection of the lower track.

flecheD : Move the playhead forward or accelerate the speed of playing.

FlècheG : Move the playhead backward or slow down the speed of playing.


+ : Wider display of the selected track. By clicking a second time, the track returns to its original size.


Alt + creation of an area with the mouse (in selection and clip mode) : Creation of a multitrack selection area.


Alt + click : Move the playhead without selecting or unselecting the track (Clip Mode).

Page up : In Selection mode, go to blue marker.

Page down : In Selection mode, go to yellow marker.