Restoring a deleted item

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Restoring a deleted item

To restore a deleted item, do a right click on the "Trash can" icon trashcan.


The following window is displayed with the list of the deleted items in the chosen category.


  restore items US


Select the item to restore and click on "Undelete".


A message is displayed to confirm the restoration. Click on "Yes".




To retrieve the restored item in the Browser, either use the search filters at the left side of the Browser, or refresh the Browser with the "Refresh" icon actualiser.


Attention : To restore a deleted item, you must get the right to do it (right given by the administrator).




An EDL can be deleted even if a RAW or other associated EDLs exist. Only the EDL will be deleted (and will go into the bin).

You can delete a RAW even if an EDL is already in the bin.

When deleting a RAW, the existing associated EDLs will also be deleted but an information box that lists the associated EDLs allows you to cancel the deletion of the RAW and the associated EDLs.  

When restoring one of the EDLs put in the bin, the RAW is also automatically restored without any information. Unless the RAW has been purged.

When restoring the RAW from the bin, the RAW is the only one restored and the EDLs remain in the bin.