Importing from a DVD Video

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Importing from a DVD Video

You can rip the audio from a DVD Video


Select the source by clicking on "DVD Video".


source importDVD_US_New


Load the DVD into the workstation.


The list of the DVD chapters will appear :




You can preview the DVD chapter you want to rip :


Click on "Play", the video plays in the player :




To import a chapter, select it and drag and drop it on the left part of the screen.




Click on the tape in order to register the item.




Fill with metadatas.




Click on "Save" small floppy.

A yellow check mark tic is displayed in the "Register" column, instead of the "floppy disk" icon register.  It means the item is ready to be imported.

You can import as many items as you want.

Once items are ready, click on Icone_Import83.

Import starts and, when it is over, a message will inform you with the number of items imported.


The imported items are now in the Browser.