Create and add a Metadata item

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Create and add a Metadata item

To create a Metadata item, in the Browser click on Bouton New MD on the right of the screen


The following windows opens :


Fenetre Item MD US


Enter all the informations and click on Save MD.


The item is created in the database with the icon Icone MD.


Browser MD US


IMPORTANT: These items created in the database will be used as "ORGINAL".

That is, whenever an original item is added in a playlist or a playlist is generated using an original, a copy will be created in the database but without an icon in the browser.


Browser MD Copy US


Once the item is created, it can be added to a screen.


To do so, open the show, then drag and drop the item on a screen.



GridEditor1 MD US


From now on, all palylists generated from this template will have the item linked to this screen.