Configuring an FTP site

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Configuring an FTP site

Before importing from an FTP site or exporting to an FTP site, you have to configure the FTP settings, by filling it out the following information :


FTP Creation 8320243


Alias : Server name.

FTP name :  Name fo the FTP site to reach.

Port : Port defined for uploading FTP.

Passive mode : Functioning mode of the FTP server. If the server works in a passive mode, the client (FTP import) must be configured in a passive mode.

FTP Type : Select from the list the FTP protocol wanted.


Userid : User name with rights to be connected to the FTP site.

Password : Password giving the right to access to the FTP site.

Directory : Directory where files are stored.

Time Zone : Select the time zone of the remote FTP server.

Firewall Hostname : Filter avoiding to access to the FTP site.

Port : Defined port.

User : User name.

Pass : Password.

Firewall type : List of the available firewalls.


The button BoutonTestimpFR is used to test the created connection.


Once all the information has been filled in, click on BoutonSaveIMPFR.


To delete an FTP site, select it from the list and click on BoutonDeleteIMP.