Editing in Snippet

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Editing in Snippet

Click on the « Snippet » tab.


In the Browser, select the item you want to edit.


- To edit a new item you can use original brutbmpor master items master.

- To modify an edit session, you can select an edit session coming from the "snippet" tool montesnippet or the "Production" tool icone produit.


Place the item on the track. To do so, 3 possibilities are available :

oDrag and drop from the database to the track.

oDouble-click on the item.

oSelect the item and press "Enter" on you keyboard.


Place the blue bleu and the yellow jaune lines. Then, you have the possibility to keep the selection or to delete it.


Once your blue and your yellow lines are placed approximately, you can readjust them. To do so, go to the blue or to the yellow line and replace them.


You can also do this operation by using the following buttons :


  small blue small yellow


To know the result before cutting, you can use the following play buttons :


before blue      Plays 2 seconds before the start of a cut (before the blue line).


after yellow        Plays 2 seconds after the end of a cut (after the yellow line).


Simuler+        Plays outside the cut (2 seconds after the blue and 2 seconds before the yellow) - (F6)


PlayInside        Plays the content of a cut (2 seconds after the blue line and 2 seconds before the yellow line) - (F7).


NB : A right click on one of these buttons will play the sequence in  loop until the stop button is activated, so cuts can be modified as you go along.


Once you are satisfied, click on  :


couper: To delete the selection


cutout: To keep the selection


Your cut goes to the bin.




To do other cuts, start the operation all over again (place the blue line, the yellow line...).