Saving a cue

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Saving a cue

Once you have cued your audio item, you can save it by using the "memos" available at the right side of the In-Track tool.


caleur modifié


You can save up to 5 cues for each item. To do so :


- Click during one second (if you click for less than a second, AirDDO will load another loop) on one of the 5 "memos"  


bouton caleur.


- A window is shown. Enter the cue name.




- Click on "OK".


From now on, The "memo" displays the cue name.


Note that it is not possible to reset a cue. Therefore, your option is to manually set the cue points to their original position and save this cue by giving it a blank name, such as follows: ". . ." .