The simple player's counters

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The simple player's counters

The simple player displays different types of counters allowing users to get all sorts of information.


The simple player's counters are the following:


1) Global counter


compteur global


The big counter heading each channel always display the countdown of the item which is being broadcast.


By clicking on the following icon, you can count up or count down :


count down        "Count down" function


count up        "Count up" function


2) Intro/outtro counter


compteur intro


This counters displays the Intro and outro points set in the "Production" tab.


3) "End of the item" counter


heure theorique fin


This counter shows when the item which is on air will end.

This counter is displayed when you hover your cursor over the "big counter" of the output.


4) Duration counter




This counter displays the item duration.