Inserting a sound in the audio bank

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Inserting a sound in the audio bank

- Open the audio bank with the following icon :



- Unlock the audio bank by clicking on the "lock" icon (if the audio bank is not unlocked, you can not insert any audio item).


VA lock fermé        Locked mode (read-only mode)


icone lock1VA        Unlocked mode (writing mode)


- Enter the position of a cart for the new sound in the search zone.


VA recherche

- Press "Enter" on the keyboard or click on the "validate" icon Valider2.


The location of the new sound is selected.


- Choose a sound from the Browser and double-click on it. The location in the audio bank will be assigned to it. Lock the read-only mode again.


NB: if a sound is inserted into a full cart, the new sound will overwrite the previous one.