Cueing points

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Cueing points

If you want to change the start of a sound in a cart, press F11 on the keyboard to display the "cue points" function.


Drag the sound you want to change from the cart to the spectrum display zone :




To play the sound, press  " â " on the keyboard. The sound will go on playing as long as the key is held down.


Then press on " á ", to set a temporary cue point. You can also set this point by clicking directly on the spectrum.


You can play back the sound from the temporary cue point by pressing the " â "key.


To readjust the point, use the " ß " and " à " keys. These move the cue point 0.02 seconds at a time.


When the cue point is in the right place, validate by pressing "Enter" on the keyboard. The sound's new start position is shown by a line with a blue dot on top and called "CUE".


To return to normal display, press F11 on the keyboard.