Broadcasting jingle packs

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Broadcasting jingle packs

There are two modes for broadcasting jingles in QuickPlayer :


- "Start" mode Bouton_Start : the jingles are broadcast automatically by clicking on the cart with the mouse or by using the space bar on the keyboard.


- "Fader" mode Bouton_Fader : the jingles are first selected (mouse click) and can then be broadcast with a fader on the mixing console or with a specific key on the keyboard.



There are two ways to change from one mode to another:


- If there is a security device, you must first click on the "Start" button and hold down F on the keyboard.


- If there is no security device, the mode can be changed with a single  mouse click.


Specific feature of the "Start" mode :


Broadcast of a sound in "Start" mode can be triggered either when the mouse button is pressed or when it is released. This option can be set as required.


If the release option is chosen, the start can be cancelled by releasing the mouse button outside the cart zone.