Starting the Service

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Starting the Service

Après avoir lancé "ServiceLogger", la fenêtre suivante s'ouvre.




Enter the valid informations


Once this information is entered, ServiceLogger is connected to the system.

The following window opens:




Click on BoutonConfigureSL to start the configuration of the service.




IP Address :

IP host UDP

For a multicast , use an address between and

Addresses between and are reserved for local networks and are not broadcasted by routers regardless of TTL value.


Port :

This is the communication port. All senders must use the same port number. You must use a port number higher than 2000. The default value is 2400.

Do not change it except if there is a very good reason to do so.


Time To Live (TTL) :

This key allow the limitiation of broadcasted messages through routers. This parameter is used only for multicast addresses. The default value is 64 which allow the crossing of all routers.


Interface Filename :

Path of the interface definition file (Interface.log).

The name of the interface file that maps the interface name to an explicit label. The file is formatted as follows:

InterfaceName; Message text


Message Filename :

Path of the message definition file (Message.log)

The name of the message file used to match the message number with an explicit label. The file is formatted as follows:

NumMessage; Message text


Logs periodicity :

Duration of the current output file  in days (default 1 day). At midnight the file is closed.

When closed, the file is saved in the following format :



Text  File :

Output file formatted as flat text.


XML File :

Output file formatted as XML file.


hh:mm:ss:ms :

Time stamp format ended with milliseconds


hh:mm:ss:ii :

Time stamp format ended with images/seconds (video purpose 25i/s)


Use GMT Time :

Time of the received message.

When ticked (Yes), system time is used.

When not ticked (No), local time is used.


Write severity :

To indicate the level of severity.


Caution: This box must be checked for compatibility with RadioAssist software such as Airlog or AlarmManager.

The severity level will be written just after the date and time the message was received.


This parameter is used to sort the messages when sending. The different severities defined are currently:

Level 0 - Operator actions

Level 1 - Operator actions, application decisions

Level 2 - Operator actions, application decisions, alarms (default)

Level 3 - Operator actions, application decisions, alarms, Debug

If the DLL is configured with severity 2, only the level 0.1 and 2 messages will pass.

Messages with severity 3 and higher will not be sent.

An internal nomenclature has been chosen to better match our needs:

Level 10 - Alarm.

Level 11 - Error.

Level 12 - Warning.

Level 13 - Applicative Decision.

Level 14 - User Action.

Level 15 - Debug.

If the DLL is configured with severity 12, messages with severity 13 and higher will not be sent.


Interface Name :

Netbios name of the interface hosting the service. Not mandatory.

This parameter specifies the name of the machine on which the logger is installed. This parameter will appear in the life signals to indicate where these signals come from.


HeartBeat Rate :

Frequency of the heartbeat (In seconds).

(-1)  to disable the heartbeat .


Days before delete :

Number of days before deleting output files (.log and/or .Xml)

(-1) No file deletion.  

Note : Pay attention to the disk space when not using the autopurge.


Output Filename :

Directory of the output file.


The BoutonCheckSL button allows you to validate all the settings entered.


Click on BoutonValidateSL to save the configuration.


Once the cofiguration is done, click on BoutonStartSL to start Service Logger.


Cliquer sur BoutonStartSL pour lancer ServiceLogger.


To stop the service click on STOP which will be activated.




The confirmation window is displayed. Click on BoutonOUISL to stop Service Logger.


To unistall the service click on BoutonUninstallSL.




The confirmation window is displayed. Click on BoutonOUISL to uninstall Service Logger.