Section "Cart Items"

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Section "Cart Items"

The "Cart Items" section allows you to select, for each graphic element of the cartstack, colors and fonts, foreground and background, as well as shading to give a 3D effect to the text.

The size of the fonts can be imposed or calculated automatically because it is automatically adjusted according to the width and the height of the cartridges.

A text box allows you to view the result with its current settings.




Carts Background : allows you to set the background color of the cart.


Combo-Box : this combo-box allows you to choose the graphic element to configure:


Text items




Front Color : set the foreground color.

Title/Author: set foreground color for Title/Author.

Shadow Color : set the color of the shading.

Font Size : set the font size.

Font : set the font.

Broadcasted : allows you to set the background color of the cartridge ID for a broadcasted item.

Background Color : set the background color.

Progress Bar: set the color of the progress bar during broadcast.

Empty cart text in standard mode: set the text for an empty cart, in normal mode.

Empty cart text in hotkey: set the text for an empty hotkey cart, in hotkey mode.