Profil 1

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Profil 1

Profile 2 : Basic wsorkflow and dynamic list.


This profile gives the ability to the NCS to create dynamic sequence for article in production/contained within the media server.

Use case: Creation of a playlist in Federall or AirCart from a MOS object contained in a Rundown.





RO insert Mode : Type de conducteur créé par NMG : Conducteur, Ecran.

Playlist : Newslink crée une conduite par RO.

Screen : Newslink insère le RO dans une conduite existante.

Cartstack : MosGateway cartstack command for the Rundown


Playlist and Screen mode :

Screen start type : Float/On Time: Type of playout. Not used for a cartstack.

Screen type : Correspond to the tab ID (type1_item) for the created elements. Not used for a cartstack.

Find screen using : Name / time: Defines the match between the RO and the target Federall screen.

 Name : Search by Rundown name.

 Time : Search by Rundown creation date.

Channel : Default station that the rundowns will be created for. Not used with cartstack.

Process roDelete : Cartstack will be deleted if the rundown is deleted.


Cart Mode :




Label/Db Field/xPatch : Dynamic mapping (only for cartstack) : Used for mapping an XML MOS field with a corresponding T_ITEM field.

Process roDelete : Cartstack will be deleted if the rundown is deleted.

Allow Create Empty Cart : Allows MosGateway to create an empty cartstack when an empty rundown is created.


TYPE1_ITEM configuration of a cartstack.

By default, the TYPE1_ITEM of a cartstack is egal to 0 (Default cart tab in Radio Assist). To define another tab, you must edit the configuration file of the application.

In the installation folder, open file « MosProfile2.xml », and add the following node: CART_STACK_TYPE1_ITEM with desired TYPE1_ITEM value (Ex. :10010).