OnAir Architecture

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OnAir Architecture

The OnAir service is a webservice based on the model MVC (model - view - controller).

It therefore provides a complete AirDDO control API through the various http requests of the OnAirController controller.

It is therefore based on data transfer objects (DTO) for data models that allow to exchange with the view (OpenAir).

Communication with AirDDO must be quick and allow the AirDDO to notify changes.

OnAir service is therefore at the center of communications, it allows to query the AirDDO with which they communicate and ensure the parsing of messages received from AirDDO in JSON.

It communicates exclusively by SignalR, a .NET communication technology in TCP.

It allows to create communication hubs between client and server, it is through these hubs that we will call methods defined at the client and the server to communicate.




                 AirDDO - Client Communication





                 AirDDO counter notification