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Navigation:  Technical Informations > Integration of the RadioAssistWeb range in a secure network environment  > Ports used by RadioAssistWeb >


SQL Server Database Client Access:

Client Connection Through an ODBC System Data Source - SQL Server

Application level communication protocol: SQL on TCP

Port and Mode of Transport: 1433 / TCP

Broadcast method: Unicast


Port site IIS NetiaMaNodal :  

Port and Mode of Transport : personnalisable, /TCP

Broadcast method : Unicast


Yellow Page :

Port and Mode of Transport : 9021, 10083, /TCP

Broadcast method : Unicast


Microsoft MSMQ (message queuing) :


Microsoft MS DTC :

Ports et mode de transport : 135 /TCP (RPC) + numéros de ports aléatoires entre 1024 et 65535 et entre

49152 et 65535

Mode de diffusion: Unicast

Ports and Mode of Transport: 135 / TCP (RPC) + random port numbers between 1024 and 65535 and between 49152 and 65535

Broadcast method: Unicast