Local Copy Algorithm

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Local Copy Algorithm

PFS looks for all the playlists which content (or part of the content) must be aired in the next 24 hours, that is to say, all the playlists whose bounds (beginning or end) is included in the next 24 hours.


For each "run" containing a sound in the playlist, the following process is applied :


Is the item to copy present on the server?:


- NO   -> Can't copy file.


- YES  -> Is the item being recorded ?


    - YES -> No local copy


    - NO -> Is the target folder full ?


 - YES     -> Can't copy file

              -> One item is purged


 - NO -> Is the file already there, locally?


         - YES -> Is the file on the server more recent than the locally copied one ?


                 - NO  ->  Update of local fie attributes : Date\hour of last access and

                                                 Date\hour of modification of local file updated with

                                                 Date\current hour


                 - YES -> The local file is deleted and another copy is expected


                         - NO   -> Copy starts. At the end, obtained

                                                              file presents the following attributes :


                                 - Date\hour of creation of local file = Date\hour of creation

                                                             of source file (server)

                                 - Date\hour of last access to local file = Date\current hour

                                 - Date\hour of modification of local file = Date\current hour