AirCart Setup interface

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AirCart Setup interface

The AirCart software is available in two versions:


- Standalone version, associated with the database Browser or RadioAssist.

- Tab version integrated with Radio-Assis




The configuration interface consists of at least four tabs for setting up the AirCart broadcasting software.


Description of the setting tabs:

General : Allows you to enter the main parameters such as the number of cartstacks or the AirCart position on the screen.

Resources : Provides information about the configuration of the database and I/O resource settings.

Layout : Allows you to enter the configuration of the display and color options.

Cart # 1 and following : Allows you to enter configuration parameters for audio cards.


The bottom part of the configuration tool contains buttons for backing up, reloading the last saved settings, loading the factory default settings, and exiting the program.


The "Apply setting Only for the Current Tab" check box allows you to perform the save and reload actions only for the current tab.