Default Database

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Default Database

This area is dedicated for the database login settings. The database is stocking the settings informations (resources, user rights for accessing AirPlaylist)

By default, when creating a new radio, these informations are used (DSN, user, password) to populate the database area. The user will be able to modify these informations if the contents for this radio are stored in another database.

Depending on the connection mode (Single ODBC, Double ODBC, Replication) the screen will be different.


Zone_Default_DB  or Zone_Default_DoubleDB or Zone_Default_DB_Repl


Put in the different tabs Main or Backup the following informations :


DSN : DSN file name created in the OS.

User : User name

Password : User password


The Bouton_Test_Connexion button is used to test the connection to the database.