RadioAssist linked to NMG

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RadioAssist linked to NMG

Minimal versions for Newslink integration:

Federall.dll v

Logview.dll v

Logenter.dll v


Install the Logview/LogCenter package on AirDDO.

Install the federall/Logview/logcenter package on all Radio Assist stations.


Launch the RadioAssist setup.

In the Federall tab, check the "NewsLink Integration" box.

This option establishes a logical connection between the Federall schedule and the NCS.




Any changes made to a Rundown in the NCS will be applied to a cartstack in RadioAssist.

By checking this option, the changes in the drop-down menus will be synchronized with RadioAssist, but the screens of RadioAssist will not be updated, to avoid any delay between two systems.

If the option is disabled, updates may be changed in RadioAssist, but changes will not be returned to the NCS.