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To activate the Autologin feature, tick the box Enable_AD_Login.


Then click on Bouton_Close.


This activation is valid for all the mapped groups.


When starting Radio-Assist, the system will look for the Windows user AD group to link it to a Radio-Assist group.


If there is a match, the user can log on.

When the "Auologin" is not activated, no control will be done and the user will access Radio-Assist with a login window.


In case of multiple mappings are valid, the one placed in first in the list will be used.


Mappings can be ordered by using the buttons Bouton_Fleches.


Registry key :


The registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NETIA\Radio-Assist\8.0\OverrideLocalADMapping if set as "Yes" will desactivate the AD Login for this workstation and use the standard Netia login process.