Radio Vision Mode 2 (JSON)

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Radio Vision Mode 2 (JSON)

ComEdit RV Mode2 82 US


This mode allows to send by socket in JSON format, some information about the sounds that are being broadcasted as well as the next planned sounds.

You can choose the different readers who will send their information.


Number of following: This is the number of following items that will be sent.

Use Inc Delay : sending the JSON message after the false start delay has passed.


We can add filters that will take into account only certain types of elements.

If the Inclusion mode is selected (checkbox checked), the JSON messages will only affect sounds with the specified types.

If Exclude mode is selected (unchecked), JSON messages will only affect sounds with different types than specified.

To add element types to the filter, select the desired type from the list and click the Add button.

To remove a filter type, simply select it from the added filter grid and click the Delete button.