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This mode allows you to synchronized an AirDDO session with a master AirDDO session.




The option "to a specific machine" allows you to send Master/Slave synchronization messages to only one machine. (Specify IP adresse and port)

Otherwise sending is done in multicast mode. The indicated port must match the "Request IP Port" (refer to Notification settings below) entered on the other machine of the Master/Slave couple.


The option "Status forced" allows you to specify if the AirDDO installed session on this machine will start with the Master or Slave status.

If the option is not activated, it's the first started of the 2 AirDDOs that will be Master, the second will be the Slave


By default, the Master/Slave connection must be asked by the user with the connection button in AirDDO.

The option "Connection forced" gives an automatic connection.


The option "Enable Play and/Or Move" allows you to precise the level of synchronization between Master and Slave.

With this option, all play actions and moves in different players will be reproduced in the Slave session.


It is also possible to configure the colours of the buttons and texts of the Master and Slave sessions.