Mark detection

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Mark detection

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While reading a sound, AirDDO detects 1 mark (relay). It can send different information as specified below.


AirDDO can send them up to 5 sockets :




Each mark is linked to an object (Mark n°xx matching Object n°xx)

The "Checking" button is used to create a socket with the specified parameters so that messages can be tested later.


Up to 15 objects available.

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For every mark, it is possible to activate/desactivate :

- sending a text model on a socket (box Object n°xx)

- sending Socket2Com order with XML format (box XML object n°xx)

- sending communication order to Air Switcher (box Switcher Object n°xx)witcher Objet xx)


Sending text model on a socket :


For every object, it is possible to define a text model and specify the socket used.




Sending order to Socket2Com with XML format :


Need the use Socket2Com service to interpretate and physicaly execute orders.


Socket2Com box allows you to show, in objects, setting fields of xml models to send to Socket2Com.


Button "Init" : Initialize the connection to the socket2com service to test the sending of messages later.

Button "Destroy": Releases the connection to the socket2com service after the tests are completed.


For every object, it is possible to define :

- specify used socket

- a text model to send on port RS232 when reading the mark

- a GPI order to execute when reading the mark


Define the messages and their settings for sending on socket:



Define the messages and their settings for sending via the socket2com service:

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Sending communication orders to Air Switcher :


Need the use of Air Switcher service to interpretate and physicaly execute communication orders on the grid.

It needs to be activated in the "Interface" tab first.

It is possible to define an communication order of grids (Enter n° and exit n°) for each ON and OFF state.

