DDO110 Soft Key

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DDO110 Soft Key

Only for DDO110 :


Soft keys are the 3 rows of buttons in the upper part of the DDO110.


It is possible to apply to each of these 12 keys different functions listed in the appropriate combo box.


exemple DDO110


Rem cont List 82 uS


Possible values for soft keys are the following :


Not used : Pas d'action

Load Cart 1 : Load cartstack 1

Load cart 2 : Load cartstack 2

Load cart 3 : Load cartstack 3

Load cart 4 : Load cartstack 4

Load : Load cart

Unload : Unload cart

Replay : Play the sound again (loop)

Chain : CUT Mix

Mix : Crossfade Mix

Go to Log : Go to on air follow up tab

Change Chain : Modification of the mix with the next item

Global Chain : Modification de tous les mixs de tous les éléments.


Attention : In the case where the DDO110 is directly connected to the workstation using the Port Com connection, you must tick the box "Live connection"




The "Enable" box will activate the detection of the DDO 110.