Broadcasting type

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Broadcasting type

7 types of broadcasting are available for every channel :


ListChannels 82


Not used : the channel is not used ou is the B channel of a Playlist AB.

Player : channel in simple cartstack mode (4 carts), stack, instant player.

Cartstack : channel in cartstack mode (up to 99 carts, no moving while playing).

Playlist A : channel in playlist mode (1 channel).

Playlist AB : channel in playlist AB mode (2 audio channels used).

Playlist ABC : channel in playlist ABC mode (3 audio channels used).

Playlist ABCD : channel in playlist ABCD mode (4 audio channels used).

For the Stack mode that follows, we use a cartstack that will be displayed on channels 1 to 4 (depending on the choice) but the operation is close to the playlist mode.

That is to say that the sounds can be played alternately between the different channels selected (A, AB, ABC or ABCD) but there is no concept of screen, start time, etc ...

Stack A: 1 audio channel. The cartstack will be played on 1 track.

Stack AB: 2 audio channels. The cartstack will be played on 2 tracks.

Stack ABC: 3 audio channels. The cartstack will be played on 3 tracks.

Stack ABCD: 4 audio channels. The cartstack will be played on 4 tracks.