<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Technical Documentation > AirDDO V8.3 - Setup > INTERFACE Tab > DDO12/DDO120//GPI > Enable DDO120 > Relays management |
This menu allows you to match the logical relay from the database to a physical connection on the studio interface.
For each of the 16 relays, it is possible to configure the state of rest, the state during the action, the duration of this action and the contact on the output sub-d plug of the DDO 120.
Example : The GPI "0" is placed in production on a sound
When reading the sound in AirDDO, DDO 120 will detect the GPI and activate the relay regarding the following setting :
•State of the relay before GPI (rest) : OFF
•State at detection of the GPI : ON
•Duration for "ON" : 1000 ms.
•Contact available on contact "2" of the sub-d 37 output.
The action duration is set in millisecondes.
If the duration is "0", the action will be permanent. This mode will allow to go from one state to the other when detecting, and to stay in this state as long as no other GPI is detected.
The initial state can be placed at ON or OFF.
4 different types of actions :
If the switch mode is activated, the relay will take the reverse state found. If a duration is indicated, the reverse state will be activated for this duration.
If the choice DATABASE is made, relays will be activated following the setting made in Radio-Assist, Production tab.