Air Run

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Air Run

Rep AirRun 82 US


When the box "Fill T_AIR_RUN table" is checked, AirDDO fills the table T_AIR_RUN.


When the box "Send events to AirRun" is checked, AirDDO sends the events to the AIR_RUN graphs.


the first field "Address" corresponds to the coordinates of the server 1

the second field "Address" corresponds to the coordinates of the server 2

the "Port TCP" has a default value of 80

the "TimeOut" field corresponds to the time to switch from one server to the other in the event of a problem of one of the two bases.


Enable AirRun Events Filters : Allows you to enable filters on items that will be sent in AirRun.


Define the type of filters :

Type : Select in the list, the type of elements to be filtered (INfos, Music, Advertising, etc ...)

Delay(s) : Send information only on sounds exceeding the false start delay (set the same value as the false start delay of the different players).

Next range: Search for the next sound on the next N's.


Enable on item on loop : Item broadcasted with the use of the loop feature will be sent to T_AIR_RUN.